Ambiend prescription online

What is Ambien (Zolpidem), and how do you use it?

Ambien, also known as Zolpidem, can be prescribed to treat insomnia. Ambien creates a strong sedative effect through binding to neuroreceptors that decrease brain activity.

Ambien can be purchased as either a small, oval tablet or an extended-release tablet that can be taken orally. Ambien street names include A-minus, no-gos and zombie pills.

Ambien was promoted as a safer alternative to benzodiazepines such as Halcion due to its addictive nature and side effects. Ambien was originally designed to have the same effect as benzodiazepines, but without their dangerous and habit-forming qualities. Later, however, it was discovered by experts that Ambien could also be addictive.

These are signs that Ambien abuse is happening:

  • Balance and co-ordination problems
  • Blackouts are frequent
  • Uninhibited socialability and talkativeness
  • Strange behavior with no memory later
  • Sleepwalking
  • Hypersexual behavior

Ambien, Weight Loss

Ambien can cause weight loss. This may be something that some people find desirable, but it is important to seek medical attention immediately if you experience weight loss. Ambien-affected people should stop using the drug.

Signs and Symptoms

While withdrawal symptoms were previously thought to be rare, research has shown that they can be more common in those who use the drug in greater amounts than prescribed. 4

There isn't enough information available on Ambien withdrawal. Further research is required. Clinicians know that Ambien withdrawal can be mild or severe depending on the following factors:

  • How long have you been using Ambien?
  • The dose you are taking
  • You've taken the forms (i.e., as a pill vs. smoking or inject).

7 Mild withdrawal symptoms include restlessness and insomnia.

You may experience severe withdrawal symptoms that would make it difficult to engage in normal activities. These include flu-like symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sweating and cramps.

People report feeling anxious and nervous. There are reports of people experiencing severe anxiety and nervousness.

Long-Term Treatment

It can be hard to recover from an Ambien addiction. It is important to seek help if you have difficulty quitting Ambien or are trying to quit multiple substances. This help could be social, psychological, or medical.

There are many options for outpatient treatment. You can choose to see your regular doctor, or consult a psychiatrist for medically-assisted detox.

A therapist may be a good option for you. Psychotherapy can help identify triggers and teach you how to deal with them.

A word from Verywell

Ambien abuse disorder can be a serious problem. Do not hesitate to seek help if you are concerned about Ambien withdrawal symptoms or if you have taken Ambien in a different way than prescribed.

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